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40K Forbidden Stars: The best 40k Board game you’ll likely never play

Forbidden Stars, the board game where 2-4 players take control of one of the major armies of Warhammer 40,000 and battle for control of the once-lost Herakon Cluster. Each faction seeks to reclaim lost relics and sites of power that are vital to their survival. Control planets, harvest resources, upgrade your forces and conquer your enemies to ensure victory.

Battlebit Early Access Launch

A deceptively simple-looking shooter that is a whole lot of fun in a setting that is deep yet hard to take serious, which is one of the main reasons I’ve taken to it.

Falling Frontier: Coming soon

I randomly came across the newest gameplay demo and based on that video alone had to find out everything I could about this game that seems to hold an incredible amount of promise.

The Battle of Tamar

3022 Battletech Campaign

Check out the revised rules for a full campaign, plus sheets to track the campaign, background lore, scenarios and more. Originally based off the DFA Campaign system.

Campaign Overview

Latest in Video Gaming

The latest reviews, previews and other write-ups regarding video games. With a heavy focus on PC games – especially strategy, RPG, and simulation games – the video game blog is just an outlet to write about the best games (weighted by opinion of course).

The main feature of which is the Top 10 list, which is what I consider the best 10 games of all time, regardless of platform.

Video Gaming HomeTop 10 Games

Battlebit Early Access Launch

A deceptively simple-looking shooter that is a whole lot of fun in a setting that is deep yet hard to take serious, which is one of the main reasons I’ve taken to it.

Horus Heresy Series Timeline

Interactive Reading Order Chart

A while back I created, using a few already-existing reading order guides, an interactive flowchart of the reading order for the immense Horus Heresy book series for the Warhammer 40,000 world of Games Workshop. The aim of this timeline was not necessarily overall chronology but a splintering of the series into distinct arcs as they involved the major legions / characters. It’s been a huge resource for anyone looking to get into the series.

Horus Heresy Timeline

40K Forbidden Stars: The best 40k Board game you’ll likely never play

Forbidden Stars, the board game where 2-4 players take control of one of the major armies of Warhammer 40,000 and battle for control of the once-lost Herakon Cluster. Each faction seeks to reclaim lost relics and sites of power that are vital to their survival. Control planets, harvest resources, upgrade your forces and conquer your enemies to ensure victory.

Latest in Board / Tabletop Games

The board game section, which includes the game-specific yet separated tabletop games of Warhammer 40,000 (40k) and Battletech, features a number of reviews and initial first impression write-ups. Still getting off the ground, this section will feature as many posts as I can manage about the tons of board games I’ve tried and played over the years.

My own board game collection features dozens of amazing, deep and sometimes complicated games that I don’t get to play nearly often enough.

As mentioned, 40k and Battletech have their own subsections as featured games with additional content beyond reviews and previews. Some game overviews, product reviews, game reports and more are sprinkled in.

Coming soon, at the very least, will be a listing of my top 10 board games (in a similar vein to my top 10 video games).

Board Gaming Home

About Me

My name’s Kyle and this is my gaming site. A place I created just as an outlet to write about my various game experiences- a way to share some of my favorite games and some great times while playing them.

I’ve played video games since I can remember, started with the Sega Genesis. I’ve since passed this hobby onto my oldest son, who also enjoys the classics like Dr. Mario and Sonic 3, alongside just about every Zelda game on every platform.

More About Me